
How Do We Get There

The principles of research justice require that research projects be directed in empowering and collaborative ways by members of the communities who are most affected by the research. This project seeks to establish a research justice protocol by inviting community members to articulate their needs, desires, and concerns and to have an active hand in shaping the complete research process from start to finish. Hence we conduct extensive outreach to locate interested participants and work to build equitable, empowering, and sustainable long-term relationships with social justice organizations and impacted grassroots communities. The CLP will ensure that data collection and analysis are performed in a professional and timely manner by student researchers under the training of principle investigator committed to research justice principles and ethics. The CLP may choose not to collaborate with campus members who community members are reluctant to work with and will always prioritize community preferences in collaboration partners.  The CLP will commit to presenting all research findings back to the community and influential stakeholders in accessible ways to ensure that research has an impact on developing policy and community activism campaigns.


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