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About Us

Policy Analysis

The CLP is devoted to nurturing a space within the university to connect students and researchers interested in working on policy with impacted communities in order to ensure that policy recommendations are directed by those affected. In addition, the CLP will work to support communities interested in developing their own policy analysis capacities.

Community Events

The CLP coordinates with community partners to develop public events throughout the San Diego-Tijuana region to share research findings and new faculty and student publications with the larger community and bring the university to the people in dynamic and creative ways.

Popular Media Products

We work with community partners to create artistic and easy to understand popular media and social media products to further locally based social justice campaigns. We also provide connections for campus-based artists and media makers to communities with stories to share. We support the capacity-building of marginalized communities to better utilize the arts and media.

Student internships

The CLP assists in connecting college students with community organizations where they can gain valuable experience in community-based research methods, policy analysis, and community organizing.

Curriculum Development

The CLP works with faculty to develop courses where students engage in a community-based research or organizing project that is designed in collaboration with community partner organizations. The CLP also promotes available courses in a variety of departments and disciplines where students can learn critical and social justice orientated research methodologies.

Research Access

Our website will provide campus and community audiences with access and information about research conducted by the CLP and our affiliates. We promote open access to university research findings and can assist those who are exploring a local social justice issue on how to find existing theoretical, empirical, and qualitative research on their topic of interest.